From the beginning

It’s 2013, at that time I started my first job as software developer; working mostly frontend, backend was already defined and it didn’t require to much work. Also at that time I get my first experience developing with Node and Django. Node started to be a good friend, Angular and a bunch of modules helped me to do my work. My comprehension about software engineering started to grow, someone talked to me about design patterns and why good practices in code is essential. Then, after a while, the application that I was working on started to be big and something told me that my code shouldn’t be increasing that way -something could be improved- a post talked to me about distributing single pages with Node, and that was the answer, decoupling let me thing less about all components behavior but to worry only about the one that I was working with.

Years passed and after some time I started to work as full-time developer in an office with small groups of people... and big groups also, it was an amazing time, a lot of things learned, friends and colleges sharing knowledge and amazing stories, lots of errors with incredible solutions.

Right now I’m focused in two things; software engineering and mathematics. I’ve been working with software for some time now, and in that time -using many languages, frameworks and libraries- I could understand that every one of these technologies could be represented with some conceptual knowledge that doesn’t belong to one, and because of that, at some point, I started to want to be recognized as a person who can describe platforms without the need to involve any technology before time, and then, when in time, use engineering concepts and designs to describe software.

Mathematics, what can’t I say about mathematics? being the science about abstraction that quite literally could describe any other science patterns and behaviors, how else can we describe weather forecast and make predictions, to model symptoms of diseases and take actions immediately?

Probability, Physics and Science itself depends on mathematics to demonstrate the true.
